Albergo del Po Trattoria del pesce Museo “Dino Gialdini”

A quiet place, immersed in a natural setting beside the River Po...

is a modern and comfortable hotel situated a few meters from the river Po. The area is calm and relaxing and immersed in the typical countryside of the Po plain.

The hotel is beside the old pontoon boat bridge (1866- 1967) which for nearly a century linked Emilia Romagna with Lombardy.

Now it has became a museum ( “ Museo dei Pontieri “ Dino Giandini”) dedicated to the workers of the bridge. In the old boathouse one can see antique memento’s and the equipment which was used to operate the pontoon bridge. There is also a vast selection of photographs and an exhibit on the history of the bridge. In the 1950’s it became famous as it was featured in the Don Camillo and Peppone series of films. (free entrance and guided tours available)

Next to the hotel there is a family run restaurant- “La Trattoria del Pesce”- dedicated to freshwater fish from the river. Specialties include fried cat fish, eels and homemade pasta dishes include tortelli with pumpkin and spinach and tagliatelle with meat sauce.

Nella zona tra l’albergo e il fiume è situato un parco giochi per bimbi, nell’intorno boschi, prati, la spiaggia sul Po con sabbia finissima per passeggiate e jogging, a pochi passi dallo stabile passa la pista ciclabile in parte percorribile che presto collegherà Piacenza al mare immersa in un bellissimo ambiente naturalistico.

Questo luogo diventa punto di partenza per il “Lido Po” di Boretto dove si possono effettuare gite e crociere (100 m) e per visitare il museo di Peppone e don Camillo a Brescello (RE) a 1 km.

Nell’albergo di nuova costruzione, si possono trovare le vecchie locandine dei film di Peppone e Don Camillo, antiche foto del ponte, vecchi attrezzi e oggetti usati dai pontieri.

L’albergo gode dei migliori comfort tutte le camere hanno aria condizionata, TV, bagno, telefono, connessione internet, e parco giochi gratuito.


  • Double
  • En-suite bathroom
  • Triple
  • En-suite bathroom
  • Single
  • En-suite bathroom

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Albergo del Po

Via Argine, 5

42022 BORETTO RE Italy

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“Dino Gialdini” Museum

Fish restaurant




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